Recycling & Beneficial Reuse

Recycling & Beneficial Reuse

Recycle, Reuse, Reduce

Many industries are finding new ways to use material that would otherwise be discarded. Facilities are reusing by-products or waste material in their own operations or sending them elsewhere for reuse as a fuel or substitute raw material. This process is known as beneficial reuse-turning would-be waste into a valuable commodity.

Soli-Bond Inc. is a leader in the field of chemical stabilization and solidification of contaminated soils, organic and non-organic wastes, Industrial sludges, and Oil and Gas Exploration/ Drilling wastes containing soluble metals and/ or dissolved solids or salts which exceed state and federal levels of acceptability.

Our process involves the use of precipitating reagents together with specially formulated oxides to accomplish an irreversible chemical stabilization of the contaminants present, thereby reducing the leaching or transport rate of contaminants to a level that is not detrimental to human health or the environment. This process can be accomplished at your site with our transportable treatment units. The chemically stabilized material is usually capable of remaining in place with agency approval or utilized as daily cover at solid waste landfills.

“Soli-Bond Inc. is a Relationship based company that is big enough to succeed yet, small enough to care. We Listen!”